Hey, yeah im Kyle. Just another lame-o here on Newgrounds. Add me, there are links right there. Anyways, I draw. A lot. I am on Art Fight, the link is ALSO right there. If you have any questions, ask it.

Kyle @MaximumDucks


Joined on 1/2/24

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Im just, gonna try to quit Spacehey

Posted by MaximumDucks - 2 weeks ago

Spacehey, I mean, I've been on there for a year now. Its genuinely so extremely draining. I just, I'm going to move onto here. I'll help me. There are horrid people on Spacehey, and I do hope they do get better lol. Maybe theyll grow up. They post gore in new people, layouts, groups, it's like they're desperate for attention. They also target people by posing as them when posting gore or saying they're a groomer and some other stuff. For example, I've had my face like leaked on there, in new people and stuff, and I've been posed as and they were posting stuff pretending to be me saying I was a MAP and some other horrible stuff, and it's all soooooo annoying. And the moderation on there... don't even get me started. There's not enough, last time I checked only a few out of the 1,000,000+ people on there. I've given solutions and so have others, but nothing really works. The website is going to shit, and I hate seeing it. Before anything else bad happens, I'm leaving. IM going to try to never come back. And what also makes that hard is the fact that a lot of people know me on there. I'd say I'm somewhat popular, but I don't really know. Thats up for others to decide. On top of that, I never really leave my room and so I'm always on my computer, rotting away. I know I need to fix it, but I don't see why I need to. I'll work on it sooner or later. Spacehey is one of the websites I go on daily, for hours. My account is amazing, and I've worked so hard to learn how to code more just to make it look better. I guess that's a plus, right? There's more to discuss, but I'm too lazy to type it. Spacehey, overall, is draining.

Dude, what even is Spacehey?

Spacehey is just like Myspace. Here'is my blog about it right here, on Newgrounds.




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