
4 Movie Reviews

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(HEAVY SPOILERS!!!) Clicked on this thinking it would be some sort of high school project level animation that wouldn't be worth my time, but BOY was i wrong. I mean, right off the bat, it was dramatic. The flames, beautiful. And the part where he aligns his sword with the constellations, absolutely breathtaking. The way the colors mixed, how flow-ey it was, and more. Around the 7-minute mark, the animation there was beautiful. It really kicked off the story. And the flashbacks, oh my god don't even get me started there. And then around the 10-minute mark, oh my fuckin god dude. The transformation scene was magnificent. How fluid the animation was, and the music choice is absolutely perfect. Couldn't have been better. And the way he used what he had to create more armour was a great part. The coins going everywhere, perfect. Added a lot. Same with the fire. Around the 14-minute mark, the messy animation was a fabulous add on, and when story #8 started, added on so much lore, for me at least. Then when he found his people and that fountain thingy happened, it was truly beautiful. AND THE FINAL FIGHT???? HELLOOOO???? Oh my GOD. The mix of 3d animation and 2d animation was BREATHTAKING. The POVs were, too. The fight was just, no words. And again, the fucking music!!! AMAZING!! And the whole deal with the hole in his stomach, jeez! And in the end-ish, where they were both out of their "OP" forms, it was an extremely quiet and relaxing scene. Then the stabbing. Goosebumps. Seriously, I felt a shiver down my ENTIRE body. Words cannot explain how beautiful this was, honestly. Great job, everyone who contributed to this. Keep up the amazing work.

i cant stop watching this i fucking love it

Knownmints responds:

Thanks dude! this means a lot!! :)

Babe, wake up! Redminus just posted!!

i watch this when im sad

Hey, yeah im Kyle. Just another lame-o here on Newgrounds. Add me, there are links right there. Anyways, I draw. A lot. I am on Art Fight, the link is ALSO right there. If you have any questions, ask it.

Kyle @MaximumDucks


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